The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1963, the latest event was in 2007
Human Spaceflight:
2006 – LAUNCH: STS-116 (Discovery), LC39B, KSC – 7 person crew, ISS assembly
Military and Classified Programs:
1963 – Dynasoar program canceled; MOL program given the go-ahead to proceed
1964 – LAUNCH: MM Titan IIIA/Transtage 2, MM Titan IIIA/Transtage, LC40, CCAFS – Second successful test launch of Transtage
2007 – LAUNCH: USA-198, ULA Atlas V 401, LC41, CCAFS
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
1974 – LAUNCH: Helios 1 (A), MM Titan IIIE/GD Centaur, LC41, CCAFS – first successful Titan IIIE launch
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1963 – LAUNCH: Lockheed Polaris A3, LC25A, CCAFS
The photos today are of the Titan IIE/Centaur with the Helios 1 (A) spacecraft on the pad in 1974 just before launch; this was the first successful Titan IIIE/Centaur launch. Helios 1 (the “A” was changed to 1 after launch) was a joint West German/USA project to study the sun’s heliosphere and solar wind.