Lansdowne Arms 9352 Dorchester St, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, United States

Subject: Cardiac Health Speaker: Dr. Mark Sheehan, known as "The Mr. Cardiac Doctor of Denver". Dr. Sheehan is now retired and active in volunteer work to third world countries.


MARS Summer 2024 Happy Hour

Platte River Bar & Grille 5995 S Santa Fe Dr, Littleton, Colorado

MARS Officers and Directors cordially invite you to a Happy Hour for all members and their guests. This Happy Hour is also open to any employees of Lockheed Martin or United Launch Alliance who are thinking of retiring or are newly retired and not yet members of MARS.  If you know of someone who is getting...

Central City Opera 2024

MARS Associates Members: We are going to go to the Central City Opera again this summer. Those who went last year had a great time. We have selected The Pirates of Penzance as the performance we are going to attend. We will get tickets for the Matinee performance on Wednesday, July 24 at 2:00 PM....


Lansdowne Arms 9352 Dorchester St, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, United States

Subject: "Joy" Speaker: Janet Kestner. Janet is a retired special education teacher who tried to bring as much joy as possible to her students as they struggled with the academic world. She is involved with DU's OLLI program, where she teaches the "JOY" course.


2024 MARS Annual Picnic

Clement Park 7306 W. Bowles Avenue, Littleton, Colorado, United States

The Officers and Directors of MARS Associates invite you, your spouse or companion, and your friends to celebrate the end of summer with an old-fashioned barbecue picnic complete with BBQ pork, chicken, and brisket plus all the trimmings, provided by Smokin’ Outlaw Kitchen.  There will also be cookies, ice tea, lemonade, water, wine and beer, and...


Lansdowne Arms 9352 Dorchester St, Highlands Ranch, Colorado, United States

Subject: Apollo 12 Speaker: Matt Grogan. Matt was an employee of the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center and participated in Apollo operations from Apollo 8 to Apollo 15. He will describe the lunar features and guidance changes from Apollo 11 that made the Apollo 12 pinpoint landing possible. Matt came to Martin Marietta in 1971 to...
