MARS Associates is an organization for retirees from Lockheed Martin Corporation (including all business units and predecessor companies) and United Launch Alliance. Membership benefits are open to individual retiree, retiree and spouse or significant other, and the surviving spouse of a retiree or divorced spouse of a retiree (Article II, Section 1 of the MARS Associates Bylaws).
For this year, new member annual dues have been waived. Fill out the following electronic form and submit it to be considered for membership. Items marked with a red asterisk * require an response.
If you wish, you may also click here to download a copy of the new member application in PDF format here to download a copy of the new member application form in PDF format, print it and fill it out, then send it via US Mail to:
MARS Associates
PO BOX 1128
Littleton, CO 80160-1128