Pre-Medicare Retiree Information

MARS has 153 members that are not yet 65 (or Pre-Medicare age)!
2025 Annual Enrollment for Medical Benefits
If you are receiving your medical benefits from Lockheed Martin, you should receive a flyer in the mail the third week in October.
Retirees, Cobra, Disabled, and Late Negotiated Unions are in Wave 2 of the 2025 annual enrollment process.
The enrollment period for selection of medical benefits is 11/6 – 11/22/204. Do NOT miss the deadline!
The website to review your options and make your selection is: lmc.lifeatworkportal
Employee Service Center Contact Information:
- Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday (except holidays) 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM MST
- Live Chat Portal: Available on the website
Phone Numbers:
- US: 866-562-2363
- International: 201-242-4397
- Hearing Impaired: 800-833-8334
- FAX: 833-865-5775
Mailing Address:
Lockheed Martin Employee Service Center
P.O. Box 18020
Norfolk, VA. 23501-1848
Understanding Medicare
There are many details about Medicare that you will need to understand BEFORE you are 65 years old; up to 6+ months before your 65th birthday. Therefore, the more you know, the better prepared you will be when required to sign up for Medicare options.
MARS hosts two (2) “Understanding Medicare” classes presented by Kaiser Permanente at Red Rocks Credit Union (8195 Southpark Lane, Littleton) annually. They are held in the Spring and Fall. When the notifications come out, please sign up for one of these informational sessions!

It’s Not That Complicated – The Three Decisions to Protect Your Health & Money, written by Ari Parker, J.D.
A simple guide that teaches you how to pick the right plan for your situation. Ari Parker has helped thousands of Americans understand Medicare by breaking it into simple, bite-size pieces.