The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1962, the latest event was in 2002
Two milestone events (5 to 65+ years ago)
Human Spaceflight:
1962 – Apollo program moved from Langley, VA to Houston, TX to the new Manned Spacecraft Center
2002 – LANDING: STS-109 (Columbia), KSC
Military and Classified Programs:
1965 – LAUNCH: Classified mission, GD Atlas SLV-3/Lockheed Agena D, SLC4W, VAFB – MILESTONE: 60 years ago
1966 – Construction starts on SLC6 (VAFB) for Titan IIIM/MOL program
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1963 – LAUNCH: GD Atlas D, 576-A2, VAFB
1965 – LAUNCH: GD Atlas D, 576-B3, VAFB – MILESTONE: 60 years ago
1991 – LAUNCH: MM Peacekeeper, LF02, VAFB
The photo today is of construction at SLC-6 at VAFB to support the MOL program. Here is the caption for the photo, which was found on Wikipedia:
Construction began on Vandenberg’s Space Launch Complex Six (SLC-6) in March of 1966. This was one of the most complex construction projects ever attempted by the Air Force at Vandenberg AFB. With the cancellation of MOL in June of 1969, SLC-6 would have to wait several decades for its first successful launch. Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force/1369th Audiovisual Squadron (public domain).