The earliest event was in 1955, the latest was in 2015
Three milestone events (5 to 65+ years ago)
Human Spaceflight:
1965 – Redesigned Stage I tandem actuators installed on Gemini/Titan GT2 and up (actuator redesign required after abort on GT2 in December, 1964) – MILESTONE: 60 years ago
Military and Classified Programs:
1958 – Thor/Lockheed Agena usage proposed by Lockheed to accelerate surveillance satellite programs
1958 – High energy upper stage proposed by USAF ARDC (Air Research and Development Command) resulted in the GD Centaur upper stage development
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
2015 – LM NIRCam Optical System excels in James Webb Space Telescope Integrated Tests – MILESTONE: 10 years ago
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite Programs:
2003 – LAUNCH: Coriolis, LM Titan II SLV, SLC4W, VAFB
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1955 – Contract awarded to the Convair division of General Dynamics for the development and fabrication of the Atlas XSM-65 airframe and control systems – MILESTONE: 70 years ago
1964- Update program for GD Atlas F begins
1967 – LAUNCH: Polaris A3, LC29A, CCAFS
The photo today is the launch of the Coriolis spacecraft by Titan II SLV in 2003, 22 years ago. Coriolis is a joint Naval Research Laboratory/Air Force Research Laboratory earth and solar monitoring satellite that observes earth winds (WINDSAT) and solar activity and it is still active. Photo Credit: USAF/noted as being in the public domain by Wikipedia.