The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1969, the latest event was in 1985.
One milestone event (5 to 65+ years ago)
Human Spaceflight:
1985 – LAUNCH: STS-61-A (Challenger), LC39A, KSC – 8 person crew (largest on a shuttle mission); Spacelab D1 Microgravity Research. Crew: Henry Hartsfield, Steven Nagel, Bonnie Dunbar, James Buchli, Guion Bluford, Reinhold Furrer (DLR – West Germany), Ernst Messerschmid (DLR – West Germany), Wubbo Ockels (ESA – France).
Military and Classified Programs:
1982 – LAUNCH: DSCS II-15, GE DSCS III-01, MM Titan 34D/IUS, LC40, CCAFS
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
1973 – LAUNCH: RCA Transit O-20, Scout A-1, SLC5, VAFB
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1969 – LAUNCH: Lockheed Polaris A3, SSBN622, ETR – MILESTONE: 55 years ago
The photos today are from the STS-61-A mission, also known as the D-1 Spacelab mission in 1985 and include the launch, the crew and experiments during the mission. This flight had 8 crew members, the most for a space shuttle flight. Other mission manifests may show 8 crew members, but those included “swap” positions at Mir or ISS. Photo Credits: NASA.