The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1962, the latest event was in 2009
Human Spaceflight:
Military and Classified Programs:
1962 – LAUNCH: Classified mission, Thor/Lockheed Agena D, SLC1E, VAFB
1966 – LAUNCH: Classified mission, MM Titan IIIB, SLC4W, VAFB
1971 – LAUNCH: Classified mission, Thorad SLV-2G/Lockheed Agena D, SLC1W, VAFB
1975 – LAUNCH: IMEWS-5, MM Titan IIIC, LC40, CCAFS
1978 – LAUNCH: DSCS II-11, 12, MM Titan IIIC, LC40, CCAFS
2006 – LAUNCH: USA-193, ULA Delta 7920-10C, SLC2W, VAFB
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
2009 – LAUNCH: WISE, ULA Delta 7320-10C, SLC2W, VAFB – Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
The photo today is of the ULA Delta 7320-10C vehicle on the pad at VAFB just before the launch of WISE in 2009 . WISE was a full-sky survey spacecraft in the infrared region. WISE was put into hibernation in 2011 and then revived in 2013 to become the NEOWISE (Near-Earth Object Infrared Survey Explorer) mission, which is still operational. LM built the cryostat systems to cool the telescope.