Apollo 12 (November 14-24, 1969) was the second Apollo mission (after Apollo 11) to successfully land on the Moon and the first to achieve a pinpoint landing at a pre-specified landing site. The Apollo 12 landing phase navigation method was successfully used on all the following Apollo Missions (except Apollo 13).

Speaker: Matt Grogan, a NASA Manned Spacecraft Center employee at that time, participated in the Apollo operations from Apollo 8 to 15 described the lunar features and guidance changes from Apollo 11 that made the Apollo 12 pinpoint landing possible and necessary for the accomplishment of NASA’s science objectives. Matt came to Martin Marietta in 1971 after Apollo 15 to participate in the Viking Program and later NASA and military programs.
Pacesetters were impressed with the Apollo presentation by Matt Grogan, September 18 at the Lansdowne Arms Restaurant.

We had a small but very informative meeting on Apollo 12. The details and risky concerns he brought out were quite shocking. Exploratory Space is something we don’t remember the dangers of. Matt utilized YouTube videos which were amazing. The nice thing about this video approach is to be able to share with the MARS NATION the amazing stuff we saw. Here are the videos in all their glory!
The stories these videos they tell are amazing. Recommend you take the time to watch the entire videos. They are about 20 minutes each.
Another big plus of the luncheon was the introduction or our new MARS president elect, Jim Pennington. We intend to invite him to all future luncheons to get to know our seniors. He did a great job with his introduction to the group. Thanks to Jim. I call him a nomad in the he mentioned all of the locations that he has worked at while with the corporation from East coast to West coast and them finally Denver.
The Pacesetter advisory team will be finalizing the 2025 agenda shortly to get a run on next year. The input is that seniors are more interested in medical and social topics rather than Space history. We are on it.
Warm regards,