Lockheed Martin employees at subsidiaries are entitled to discounts not available to the general public. Retirees also have access to these agreements. This information is not to be shared nor forwarded. Please note that discounts are subject to change and may be discontinued at any time.
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Who manages the Lockheed Martin employee discounts?
This program is administered by the Employee Programs and Strategic Sourcing Solutions teams within Lockheed Martin Corporation. Employee Programs and Strategic Sourcing Solutions do not claim that these offers represent the best available discounts to Lockheed Martin retirees. Vendors or businesses are not solicited by Lockheed Martin Corporation for employee discount offerings.
Who should I contact if I have a question regarding the Employee Discounts Program?
All questions regarding the Employee Discounts Program should be directed first to the suppliers and then only to the contact name listed (if provided) at the end of each offer.
Who should I contact if I have inquiries about a vendor’s offering?
All information listed in this directory is provided by the vendor. Should exception to any offers listed in this directory be taken, please provide your feedback to the vendor using the point of contact information listed for the offer.
Who is eligible for Lockheed Martin Corporate & Nationwide discounts?
Retirees are eligible for all of the discounts displayed on this Web site. The information contained in these agreements is not to be disclosed outside of Lockheed Martin Corporation. Unless otherwise noted in the terms of the agreement provided by the supplier, Employee Discounts Program discounts apply for current and active Lockheed Martin employees with some agreements for retired employees.
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You can click the “Select Text Tool” on the Adobe Reader tool bar and then copy the Web site address (the “URL”), if it is displayed, and paste it into your browser address bar., You can also type the URL into your browser address bar.
Disclaimer Notice
Lockheed Martin Corporation disclaims all liability for damage or injury resulting from acts of omissions, fraud, or misrepresentation of these suppliers. All advertisements are expected to comply with the “Truth in Advertising Law” and other pertinent regulations within the continental United States.