The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1957, the latest event was in 2003
One milestone event (5 to 65+ years ago)
Human Spaceflight:
Military and Classified Programs:
1964 – LAUNCH: SA-5, LC37, CCAFS – First test of Stage II of Saturn I vehicle; achieved orbit
1995 – LAUNCH: USA 108 (UHF), MM Atlas II, LC36B, CCAFS – MILESTONE: 30 years ago
1998 – LAUNCH: Classified mission, LM Atlas IIA, LC36B, CCAFS
2003 – LAUNCH: LM GPS IIR-8, Delta 7925-9.5, LC17B, CCAFS
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
Commercial Programs:
1976 – LAUNCH: Intelsat 4A F-2, GD Atlas SLV-3D/Centaur, LC36B, CCAFS
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1957 – LAUNCH FAILURE: Lockheed X-17, LC3, CCAFS
1962 – LAUNCH: MM Titan I, LC-19, CCAFS – final Titan I at CCAFS, 47 total launches with 34 successes, 9 partials, and 4 failures
1963 – LAUNCH: MM Titan I, 395-A1, VAFB
The photo today is an example of a Titan I launch. The last test launch of Titan I at the Cape from LC-19 occurred on this date in 1962. Photo Credit: US Air Force (government agency – released to the public domain)