The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1958, the latest event was in 2016
Two milestone events (5 to 65+ years ago)
Human Spaceflight:
1965 – SPLASHDOWN: Gemini VII (Borman/Lovell) – 14 day record in space for astronauts set (for that time, since exceeded significantly), Mid-Atlantic, USS Wasp
Military and Classified Programs:
1958 – LAUNCH: SCORE, GD Atlas B, LC11, CCAFS – First successful launch of a satellite using Atlas as a launch vehicle
1963 – LAUNCH: Classified mission, GD Atlas/Lockheed Agena D, SLC4W, VAFB
2004 – LAUNCH: UHF F/O F11, LM Atlas 3B, LC36B, CCAFS – MILESTONE: 20 years ago
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
1999 – LAUNCH: LM Terra, LM Atlas IIAS, SLC3E, VAFB – Earth observing program – MILESTONE: 25 years ago
Commercial Programs:
1996 – LAUNCH: LM (GE) Inmarsat 3 F3, LM Atlas IIA, LC36B, CCAFS
2016 – LAUNCH: Echostar 19, ULA Atlas V 431, LC41, CCAFS
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1963 – LAUNCH: GD Atlas D, 576-A1, VAFB
1963 – LAUNCH: GD Atlas F, OSTF2, VAFB – – Final Atlas R&D launch (57 successes, 38 failures)
1997 – LAUNCH: LM Trident D-5, SSBN743, ETR
2001 – LAUNCH (4): LM Trident C-4, SSBN726, ETR
1961 – UTC/CSD introduces a new method for steering large solid rocket motors known as Thrust Vector Control (TVC) – injection of liquid propellant into the plume for steering
The photo today is the Atlas B/SCORE (Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment) on the pad before launch. This was the first purpose-built communications satellite and the first successful usage of Atlas as a launch vehicle. Photo Credit: Photo found on Wikipedia and credited to photo archives at NASA/GSFC.
This mission became known as the “talking Atlas”. A transmitted message from President Eisenhower was broadcast:
“This is the President of the United States speaking. Through the marvels of scientific advance, my voice is coming to you from a satellite circling in outer space. My message is a simple one: Through this unique means I convey to you and to all mankind, America’s wish for peace on Earth and goodwill toward men everywhere.”