The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1962, the latest event was in 2018
One milestone event (5 to 65+years ago)
Human Spaceflight:
1962 – LAUNCH: Mercury MA-8 (Sigma 7), GD Atlas D, LC14, CCAFS – Wally Schirra, six orbits
1985 – LAUNCH: STS-51-J (Atlantis), LC39A, KSC – 5 person crew, deployed GE DSCS III F-2 and F-3 using IUS, first flight of OV Atlantis. Crew: Karol Bobko, Ronald Grabe, David Hilmers, Robert Stewart, William Pailes
1988 – LANDING: STS-26 (Discovery), Edwards AFB
2018 – LM reveals new human lunar lander concept at a trade show in Europe
Military and Classified Programs:
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1983- LAUNCH: Lockheed Trident C4, SSBN728, ETR
1984- LAUNCH: MM Pershing 2, LC16, CCAFS – MILESTONE: 40 years ago
The photos today are from two missions. First, there is the launch of Mercury-Atlas 8 (Sigma 7) in 1962 and its astronaut Wally Schirra, who did six orbits of Earth. Photo Credits: NASA.
Second, there are photos from the STS-51-J mission in 1985, the first mission for OV Atlantis that deployed DSCS III F-2 and F-3. These photos include the launch, the crew and the DSCS-III payloads in the shuttle bay. Commander Karol Bobko (formerly an MOL astronaut candidate) did his third and last shuttle flight on this mission (he flew on three different shuttles and on two OV debut flights). Photo Credits: NASA.