The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1960, the latest event was in 2020
Four milestone events (5 to 65+ years ago)
Human Spaceflight:
1964 – Gemini program office recommends 16 additional Gemini missions, including space station experiment, life boat rescue, satellite chaser, and lunar orbiter. Recommendation turned down by NASA HQ in 1965 – MILESTONE: 60 years ago
1965 – Lockheed delivers a final report on a modular multipurpose space station concept to Marshall Space Flight Center
1965 – LAUNCH: AS-105 (SA-10), LC37B, CCAFS – Apollo CSM boilerplate and Pegasus C satellite.
1972 – LANDING: Apollo 15 (Falcon LM) lands on the moon in the Hadley Rille area, with astronauts Dave Scott and Jim Irwin
Military and Classified Programs:
2007 – LM team submits proposal to design and build TSAT system (Transformational Satellite Communications System)
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
2020 – LAUNCH: Perseverance Mars rover, ULA Atlas V 541, LC41, CCAFS – Includes LM Aeroshell and the Ingenuity helicopter (LM assistance in design and build, helicopter deployment system)
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1960 – LAUNCH: Lockheed Polaris A1, SSBN558, ETR
1963 – LAUNCH: GD Atlas E, 576-C, VAFB
1964 – LAUNCH (2): Lockheed Polaris A3, SSBN629, ETR – MILESTONE: 60 years ago
1964 – LAUNCH: MM Titan II, 395-D, VAFB – MILESTONE: 60 years ago
1968 – LAUNCH: Lockheed Polaris A2E, SSBN618, ETR
2019 – LM Fleet Ballistic Missile headquarters officially opens in Titusville, Florida after moving from Sunnyvale, California – MILESTONE: 5 years ago
The photos today are from two missions. First, there are photos of the Apollo 15 Lunar Module Falcon on the moon in 1971 (with astronaut Jim Irwin) and the Lunar Rover used for the first time on that mission (also with Jim Irwin). Photo Credits: NASA.
Second, there are photos of the 2020 launch of Perseverance Mars rover on ULA Atlas V 541 and of the Ingenuity Helicopter on the surface of Mars; the build of the helicopter had technical assistance from LM in its design and build at JPL. Ingenuity had 72 total flights; the original plan was for five flights maximum. Photo Credits: NASA.