The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1955, the latest event was in 2000
Human Spaceflight:
Military and Classified Programs:
1963 – LAUNCH: Classified mission, Thor/Lockheed Agena D, SLC3W, VAFB
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
Commercial Programs:
1997 – LAUNCH (7): LM (Motorola) Iridium, Proton-K/17S40, LC81/23, Baikonur, Kazakhstan
2000 – LAUNCH: LM GE-7 (also Astra 2B), Ariane 5G, ELA3, Kourou, French Guiana
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1955 – After evaluating proposals from Douglas Aircraft, Lockheed and Martin Company, the alternate ICBM contract award was given by the USAF to Martin Company (Titan I)
1958 – LAUNCH: GD Atlas B, LC14, CCAFS
1989 – LAUNCH FAILURE: MM Peacekeeper, LF02, VAFB
The photo today is an example of the Titan I HGM-25A ICBM. The contract for the Titan I was awarded to Martin Company on this day in 1955. According to Wikipedia, here are the specifications for the system:
- Liftoff thrust: 1,296 kN
- Total mass: 105,142 kg
- Core diameter: 3.1 m
- Total length: 31.0 m
- Development cost: $1,643,300,000 in 1960 dollars.
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