The events on this day in history for our heritage companies are noted below.
The earliest event was in 1960, the latest was in 1989
Human Spaceflight:
1988 – LAUNCH: STS-26 (Discovery), LC39B, KSC – 5 person crew, deployed TDRS 5, first shuttle flight since Challenger disaster
Military and Classified Programs:
1961 – RCA receives a contract from the USAF for development of the communications and tracking system for Dyna-Soar
1962- LAUNCH: Classified mission, Thor/Lockheed Agena D, SLC2W, VAFB
Exploration and Interplanetary Programs:
Earth-Monitoring and Civil Weather Satellite programs:
1962 – LAUNCH: Alouette 1, Thor/Lockheed Agena B, SLC2E, VAFB – Canadian magnetosphere satellite
Commercial Programs:
Test, ICBM, FBM programs:
1960 – LAUNCH: Martin Titan I, LC15, CCAFS
1960 – LAUNCH FAILURE: GD Atlas D, 576-B2, VAFB
1961 – LAUNCH: Martin Titan I, LC20, CCAFS
1961 – LAUNCH: Lockheed Polaris A1, LC25A, CCAFS
1965 – LAUNCH: GD Atlas D, 576-B1, VAFB
1981 – LAUNCH (2): MM Pershing 1A, Fort Bliss, Texas
1989 – LAUNCH: Lockheed Poseidon C3, SSBN617, ETR
The photos today are from STS-26 mission in 1988, the first shuttle flight after the loss of Challenger in January, 1986. They include the launch, the crew and the TDRS-5 spacecraft being deployed.